Installing OpenStack with DevStack

OpenStack is open source software for building private and public clouds. There are several ways to install OpenStack. This guide will walk you through the installation of DevStack, which is a documented shell script to build complete OpenStack development environments.

We will start with the installation of Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS). Make sure that you create a user called ‘stack’. When the installation is completed, add the git program:

sudo apt-get -y install git

Then download the latest source code of DevStack and pick a stable version of it (nicknamed Havana):

git clone
cd devstack
git checkout stable/havana

There has been a shift from the old localrc file to the newer local.conf file to make changes to the default settings of DevStack:

rm localrc

Edit the local.conf file with your favorite editor and give it the following contents:


Make sure that you change the values of HOST_IP and FLOATING_RANGE. It is advisable to change the other values as well, but that is not strictly necessary. Virtual machines are always given an internal IP address from the FIXED_RANGE. If you want the VM to be accessible from the outside as well, you need to assign a floating IP address to it. This will be one of the IP addresses from FLOATING_RANGE.

If you want VMs to always get a floating IP address at creation time, edit the file /etc/nova/nova.conf:

auto_assign_floating_ip = True

And then restart nova-network:

kill `ps ax | grep nova-network | awk 'NR==1{print $1}' | cut -d' ' -f1`
/usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/nova-network --config-file /etc/nova/nova.conf &

Now login to the website, located at http://HOST_IP, using the username admin and the password stack.

If you want to able to SSH into your VMs from the outside, add a rule to the default security group rules: